21 Secrets! Early bird sale.

Want to learn to paint and draw faces in a variety of styles?

I’m so excited to announce that I am a teacher at 21 Secrets – Face Time edition. If you love to paint or draw faces, then this is the course for you. Come learn from me and 20 (yes, that’s right) 20 other artists, including 21 Secrets creator and artist Connie Solera, from Dirty Footprints Studio.

Early Bird Sale is on now until the 1st March. (2nd March AEST) Sign up early to save yourself some $$$$. /Click here to view more details

(Signing up through my link means that I earn a portion of the sale, which helps me to continue being an artist)

21 Secrets Face Time Kylie Fowler

What is 21 Secrets?

21 SECRETS is a self-guided, online art-journaling and mixed-media workshop that is distributed as a downloadable eBook containing 150+ pages of video, full-colour photos, templates, and clear written instruction to inspire and deepen one’s approach to art journaling.

21 SECRETS Face Time will feature twenty one art instructors who have unlocked the mysteries behind creating beautifully-expressive faces. You will learn traditional basics alongside sometimes-unorthodox techniques for completing faces in your art journal work, even if you’ve been intimidated by drawing a face in the past.

I do hope I see you there.

Happy Creating,

Kylie - Signature